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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My thoughts on Synergy.

As we move further ahead in our lives, our accomplishments will depend heavily on the level of commitment, collaboration, and synergistic behavior we choose to use.  Connecting with people with a high-level of trust is the key to a successful synergy.  When confidence and cooperation are at its height, synergy can contribute to a lot of things.  People begin to create and innovate when vision, values, initiatives, and action plans are shared.  Nonetheless, it takes continuous assessment, action, and improvement to strengthen this combined effort.  When people, teams, partners, and organizations find ways to achieve a solution or goal using the highest form of Win/Win, the net effect is stronger relationships, enhanced communication, openness, and willingness to share knowledge, skills, and ideas. A genuine synergy becomes an awakening and remarkable bonding when creativity begins to flourishes freely.  For collaborators, engaging in synergistic behavior can mean positive outcomes, new opportunities, and other ways of doing things.  At the end of the day, strong visions rely on vital synergies to achieve something.
Synergy defined:

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